Sep 9, 2021 © Ulrich Theobald
Daozang jiyao 道藏輯要 is a series of collectanea of Daoist books compiled by Peng Dingqiu 彭定求 (1645-1919) on the base of 200 texts included in the traditional Ming-period 明 (1368-1644) Daoist canon (Zhengtong) Daozang 正統道藏. The books are arranged in 28 collections (ji 集) named by the 28 starry constellations or lodges.
In the early 19th century,
Jiang Yuanting 蔣元庭 (1796-1820) enlarged Peng's collection by 79 books not included in the Daozang and compiled a descriptive catalogue called Daozang jiyao zongmu 道藏輯要總目. These two versions were influenced by the contemporary dominance of the Quanzhen School 全真道.
A second enlarged version was published by Yan Yonghe 閻永和 and Peng Haoran 彭翰然 who added 17 additional texts as well as 5 catalogues compiled by He Longxiang 賀龍驤 and a further lot of 18 catalogues of Daoist books from the Song 宋 (960-1279) and Yuan 元 (1279-1368) periods. This edition of a total of 291 texts (about 100 of which are not part of the Daozang) is called Chongkan Daozang jiyao 重刊道藏輯要. It was published in 1906 by the Erxian'an 二仙庵 Studio in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan. This edition was extended by three catalogues called Chongkan daozang jiyao zimu chubian 重刊道藏輯要子目初編, Chongkan daozang jiyao xubian zimu 重刊道藏輯要續編子目, and Nüdan hebian zongmu 女丹合編總目. The collection is enriched by numerous quotations on Daoist writings from history books and by librarians.
The 1984 fascimile edition published by the Ba-Shu Shushe 巴蜀書社 adds three more texts of the collection Chunyang sanshu 純陽三書.
Figure 1. Beginning of the Chongkan daozang jiyao 重刊道藏輯要
First page of the scriputure Yuanshi wuliang duren shangpin miaojing 元始无量度人上品妙經 (short Duren miaojing 度人妙經) of the 1984 reprint. Compare the original setting of the (Zhengtong) Daozang (q.v. Figure 2). |
Burton-Rose, Daniel (2015). "A Prolific Spirit: Peng Dingqiu's Posthumous Career on the Spirit Altar, 1720-1906", Dao jiao yan jiu xue bao = Daoism: Religion, History and Society, 7: 7-61.
Esposito, Monica (2009). "The Daozang jiyao Project: Mutations of a Canon", Dao jiao yan jiu xue bao = Daoism: Religion, History and Society, 1: 95-152.
Esposito, Monica (2013). "The Invention of a Quanzhen Canon: The Wondrous Fate of the Daozang jiyao", in Liu Xun, Vincent Goossaert, eds. Quanzhen Daoists in Chinese Society and Culture, 1500-2010 (Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California), 44-77.
Mori, Yuria (2013). "Being Local through Ritual: Quanzhen Appropriation of Zhengyi Liturgy in the Chongkan Daozang jiyao", in Liu Xun, Vincent Goossaert, eds. Quanzhen Daoists in Chinese Society and Culture, 1500-2010 (Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California), 171-207.
Pregadio, Fabrizio (2008). "Daozang jiyao" in Fabrizio Pregadio, ed. Encyclopedia of Taoism (London/New York: Routledge), 341-345.
Qing Xitai 卿希泰 (1996). "Chongkan Daozang jiyao suoyin ben xu 《重刊道藏辑要》缩印本序", Zongjiaoxue yanjiu 宗教学研究, 1996 (2).
Sichuan baike quanshu bianzuan weiyuanhui 《四川百科全書》編纂委員會, ed. (1997). 四川辭書出版社 《四川百科全書》 第317頁
Yin Zhihua 尹志华 (2012). "Daozang jiyao de bianzuan yu chongkan 《道藏辑要》的编纂与重刊", Zhongguo daojiao 中国道教, 2012 (1): 54-57.
Zhang Jiyu 張繼禹 (1997). "Daozang jiyao 道藏輯要", in Men Kui 門巋, Zhang Yanjin 張燕瑾, ed. Zhonghua guocui da cidian 中華國粹大辭典 (Xianggang: Guojin wenhua chuban gongsi), 562.
Zhang Yuanhe 张元和 (1987). "Chongyin Daozang jiyao jishi 重印《道藏辑要》纪实", Zhongguo daojiao 中国道教, 1987 (3): 60.
Zhao Zongcheng 赵宗诚 (1995). "Daozang jiyao de bianzuan yu zengbu《道藏辑要》的编纂与增补", Sichuan wenwu 四川文物, 1995 (2).