An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Niujing beiyao yifang 牛經備要醫方

Aug 19, 2023 © Ulrich Theobald

Niujing beiyao yifang 牛經備要醫方 is a book on bovine medicine written during the late Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Shen Lianfang 沈蓮舫 from Shaoxing 紹興, Zhejiang. It was first published in 1891, and later in 1924, as an appendix to the Buddhism-inspired book (shanshu 善書) Jie shi niu cuyan 戒食牛粗言, which urged to cease eating meat.

The book consists of 77 brief paragraphs discussing methods of diagnosis, and then describing therapeutic prescriptions and treatments of individual diseases and illnesses. The topics diagnosis and treatment are closely integrated with the evidence and prescription. The text discusses everything in a concise manner and adds unique features in the identification of cold and heat diseases, the influence of Yin and Yang, and the analysis of etiology and pathology on diseases. Most of the prescriptions in the book are based on clinical experience and basically cover all major diseases of cattle. A special focus lies on treatment methods that are effective right at the beginning of diseases.

A modern, punctuated and annotated edition was published in 1960 by the Nongye Chubanshe 農業出版社.

Feng Hongqian 馮洪錢 (1984). "Niujing beiyao yifang yinan tucaoyao kaozhu 《牛經備要醫方》疑難土草藥考注", Zhongguo shouyi zazhi 中國獸醫雜誌, 1984 (4): 70-74.
Wang Yuhu 王毓瑚, ed. (1964). Zhongguo nongxue shulu 中國農學書錄 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe), 281.
Zou Jiezheng 鄒介正 (1991). "Niujing beiyao yifang 牛經備要醫方", Zhongguo nongye baike quanshu 中國農業百科全書, Vol. Zhou shouyi 中獸醫卷 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe), 177.