An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Quanjing jieyao pian 拳經捷要篇

Sep 25, 2023 © Ulrich Theobald

Quanjing jieyao 拳經捷要 is a chapter of Qi Jiguang's 戚繼光 (1528-1588) military treatise Jixiao xinshu 紀效新書, but is often dealt with as a book of its own, for instance, with the title Qi Jiguang quanfa sanshi'er shi 戚繼光拳法三十二式 "Thirty-two methods of fist-fighting". Most of these methods have been adapted by Taijiquan practitioners, and traces of them can be seen in many of the Taijiquan routines in existence today.

Tang Hao 唐豪 wrote a commentary on it, published in 1936 by the Guoshuguan 國術館 in Shanghai.

Filipiak, Kai (2001). Die chinesische Kampfkunst – Spiegel und Element der traditionellen chinesischen Kultur (Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag).
Gongmen (2021). Quanjing jieyao pian 拳经捷要篇 / Le Classique du Poing (Quanjing): Essai sur les clés de la victoire, in Gongmen Wushu, 8 janvier 2021.
Gyves, Clifford Michael (1993). An English Translation of General Qi Jiguang's "Quanjing jieyao pian" (Chapter on the fist canon and the essentials of nimbleness) from the Jixiao xinshu (New treatise on disciplines service). M.A. Thesis, Faculty of the Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Arizona.
Lorge, Peter A. (2011). Chinese Martial Arts: From Antiquity to the Twenty-First Century )Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Niu Xiaolei 牛曉雷 (2013). "Taijiquan yuan kao: Qi Jiguang yu Quanjing jieyao pian 太极拳源考——戚繼光與《拳經捷要篇》", Lantai shijie 蘭臺世界, 2013 (27): 116-117.
Yu Gongbao 余功保, ed. (2006). Zhongguo taijiquan cidian 中國太極拳辭典 (Beijing: Renmin tiyu chubanshe), 228.
Shen Shou 沈壽 (1982). "Mingdai Qi Jiguang Quanjing jieyao pian jinyi yu jiexi 明代戚繼光《拳經·捷要篇》今譯與解析", Chengdu Tiyu Xueyuan xuebao 成都體育學院學報, 1982 (4): 13-20.
Zhang Lijun 張立軍 (2013). "Jixiao xinshu Quanjing jieyao pian dui Ming-Qing quanshu de yingxiang qiantan 《紀效新書·拳經捷要篇》對明清拳術的影響淺探", Lantai shijie 蘭台世界, 2013 (26): 158-159.
Zhang Shan 張山, Pei Xirong 裴錫榮, eds. (1994). Zhongguo wushu da cidian 中華武術大辭典 (Nanjing: Jiangsu kexue jishu chubanshe), 357.
Zhou Yong 周勇 (2009). "Quanjing jieyao zhi jianyi yu qianjie 《拳經捷要》之簡譯與淺解", Tiyu keji wenxian tongbao 體育科技文獻通報, 2009 (5): 118+121.