An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Xuhua 敘畫

Mar 14, 2023 © Ulrich Theobald

Xuhua 敘畫 is a book on painting written during the Southern Dynasties period 南朝 (420-589) by Wang Wei 王微 (c. 440), who lived under the Liu-Song dynasty 劉宋 (420-479). The text was compiled somewhat later than Zong Bing's 宗炳 (375-443) Hua shanshui xu 畫山水序.

Wang Wei points out the difference between landscapes and maps, emphasizing the "refinement" (zhi 致) and "emotions" (qing 情) of landscape painting creation, saying that "when looking at the autumn clouds, the spirit is flying, and facing the spring breeze, one ponders about the vastness of nature". Even if painting could arise the same feelings like bronze and stone inscriptions or beautiful pieces of jade, it was not possible to imitate the true beauty of nature. In the eyes of Wang Wei, painting was the manifestation of the painter’s skills, imaginations and emotions.

Painting different from the human eye because it was able to provide a glimpse of the whole universe (yi guan zhi bi, ni taixu zhi ti 一管之筆,擬太虛之體), while the eyes could only observe one single spot at a time. However, the aim of painting was not to reproduce nature as a pure copy, but to reflect the spirit of it and express it visually.

The text is included in the series Jindai mishu 津逮秘書, Wangshi shuhua yuan 王氏書畫苑, Peiwenzhai shuhapu 佩文齋書畫譜, Zhongguo huaxue quanshi 中國畫學全史, and is quoted in full in Zhang Yanyuan's 張彥遠 (early 8th cent.) Lidai minghua ji 歷代名畫記.

Guo Tong 郭彤 (1993) "Xuhua 敘畫", in Zhongguo xiaoxue jiaoxue baike quanshu 中國小學教學百科全書, Vol. Meishu 美術卷 (Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe), 136.
Guo Yingzhou 郭瑩洲 (2016). "Wang Wei Xuhua yanjiu 王微《敘畫》研究", Yishu pingjian 藝術評鑒, 2016 (6): 36-41.
He Chuxiong 何楚熊 (1995). "Wang Wei yu Xuhua 王微與《敘畫》", Yishu lilun yu piping 藝術理論與批評, 1995 (2): 98-103.
Ma Xiaofen 馬曉芬 (2022). "Lun Wang Wei Xuhua zhong de meixue sixiang ji yishu guandian 論王微《敘畫》中的美學思想及藝術觀點", Dazhong wenyi 大眾文藝, 2022 (9): 63-65.
Niu Ying 牛瑩 (2011). "Shen fei yang yu si hao dang: Wang Wei Xuhua de qingyi meixue “神飛揚”與“思浩蕩”——王微《敘畫》的情意美學", Mei yu shidai 美與時代, 2011 (11): 48-50.
Qi Tinggui 戚廷貴, Liu Xiaoyan 劉孝嚴, Tang Shufan 唐樹凡, eds. (1992). Dong-xifang yishu cidian 東西方藝術辭典 (Changchun: Jilin jiaoyu chubanshe), 696.
Tao Mingjun 陶明君, ed. (1993). Zhongguo hualun cidian 中國畫論辭典 (Changsha: Hunan chubanshe), 284.
Tian Li 田力 (2004). "Chongjue Wang Wei Xuhua de meixue jiazhi 重掘王微《敘畫》的美學價值", Yishu tansuo 藝術探索, 2004 (4): 39-40.
Wang Yiting 王一婷 (2021). "Nanchao Wang Wei Xuhua lilun yanjiu 南朝王微《敘畫》理論研究", Mei yu shidai 美與時代, 2021 (9): 10-11.
Yang Danfeng 楊丹鳳 (2019). "Tanxi Wang Wei Xuhua ji qi dui houshi de yingxiang 探析王微《敘畫》及其對後世的影響", Mei yu shidai 美與時代, 2019 (7): 45-46.
Yao Zhirong 藥芝蓉 (2019). "Shen chang shanshui zhi jian: Cong Hua shanshui xu dao Xuhua 神暢山水之間——從《畫山水序》到《敘畫》", Mei yu shidai 美與時代, 2019 (6): 10-11.
Zhang Jing 張晶 (2019). "Yi yi guan zhi bi, ni taixu zhi ti: Wang Wei Xuhua pingxi 以一管之筆 拟太虛之體——王微《敘畫》評析", Mingzuo xinshang 名作欣賞, 2019 (1): 138-141.
Zhang Shuhua 張樹華 (1993). "Xuhua 敘畫", in Shi Quanchang 石泉長, ed. Zhonghua baike yaolan 中華百科要覽 (Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe), 772.
Zhu Ping 朱平 (2008). "Wang Wei Xuhua de meixue sixiang yanjiu 王微《敘畫》的美學思想研究", Wenyi luntan 文藝論壇, 2008 (3): 123-124.
Zhu Ping 朱平 (2009). "Wang Wei Xuhua dui Zhongguo shanshui hua chuangzuo de qishi 王微《敘畫》對中國山水畫創作的啟示", Chuanshan xuebao 船山學報, 2009 (1): 186-188.