An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Jingyuan 經苑

Sep 29, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald

Jingyuan 經苑 "The Garden of Classics" is a series of collectanea (congshu 叢書) specialized on commentaries on the Confucian Classics. It was compiled by the Qing-period 清 (1644-1911) scholar Qian Yiji 錢儀吉 (1783-1850), original name Qian Kuiji 錢逵吉, courtesy name Airen 藹人 (also written 錢靄人), style Yanshi 衍石 (or Kanshi 衎石) or Xinhu 心壺 (or Xinwu 新梧).

Qian hailed from Jiaxing 嘉興, Zhejiang and obtained his jinshi degree in 1808. He was a Hanlin bachelor (shujishi 庶吉士), then secretary (zhushi 主事) and later supervising secretary (jishizhong 給事中) in the Ministry of Revenue (hubu 戶部), and was for long years chief lecturer (zhujiang 主講) in the Daliang Academy 大梁書院, Henan, and the Xuehai Hall 學海堂 in Guangdong. His brother Qian Taiji 錢泰吉 (1791-1863), courtesy name Qian Jingshi 錢警石, was also a researcher on the Confucian Classics, and both were known as the "Two Shi" (Er Shi 二石). Qian Yiji was also interested in historical geography and has compiled the books Jingdian zhengwen 經典征文, Kanshizhai jishi gao 衎石齋記事稿, Huangyu tushuo 皇輿圖說, Guochao xianzheng ji 國朝獻征集, Lüyi xiaogao 旅逸小稿, and the biographic collection Beizhuanji 碑傳集.

His series was planned to included 44 books with a total length of 218 juan. Its aim was to supplement Xu Qianxue's 徐乾學 (1631-1694) series Tongzhitang jingjie 通志堂, but with a focus on Song- 宋 (960-1279) and Yuan- 元 (1279-1368) period texts.

Although the texts included in the Jingyuan are not as rare as those in the Tongzhitang jingjie, the text-critical quality of the Jingyuan is higher than that of the latter. In the end, the published text only inluded 41 texts, but with a total length of 250 juan. 25 of these were critically revised by Qian Yiji, but he died before the other 16 texts were finished. His son Qian Zunhuang 錢尊煌 realized the publication of the series that includes the texts of 23 scholars from the Tang 唐 (618-907) to the Song period. The Jingyuan was printed during the Daoguang reign-period 道光 (1821-1850) by the Daliang Press 大梁書院.

Table 1. The series Jingyuan 經苑
(Qing) 錢儀吉 Qian Yiji (comp.)
Daliang Shuju 大梁書 edition; 1868 edition by Wang Ruxing 王儒行; 1922 edition; 1923 enlarged edition
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
溫公易說 六卷 Wengong yishuo (Song) 司馬光 Sima Guang
吳園易解 九卷
附錄 一卷
Wuyuan yijie
(Song) 張根 Zhang Gen
誠齋先生易傳 二十卷 Chengzhai xiansheng yizhuan (Song) 楊萬里 Yang Wanli
易傳證 四卷 Yizhuanzheng (Song) 徐總干 Xu Zonggan
易學濫觴 一卷 Yixue lanshang (Yuan) 黃澤 Huang Ze
敷文書說 一卷 Fuwen shushuo (Song) 鄭伯熊 Zheng Boxiong
尚書精義 五十卷 Shangshu jingyi (Song) 黃倫 Huang Lun
洪範統一 一卷 Hongfan tongyi (Song) 趙善湘 Zhao Shanxiang
禹貢說斷 一卷 Yugong shuoduan (Song) 傅寅 Fu Yin
詩總聞 二十卷 Shi zongwen (Song) 王質 Wang Zhi
呂氏家塾讀詩記 三十二卷 Lüshi jiashu dushi ji (Song) 呂祖謙 Lü Zuqian
續呂氏家塾讀詩記 三卷 Xu Lüshi jiashi dushi ji (Song) 戴溪 Dai Xi
周官新義 十六卷
(附) 考工記解 二卷
Zhouguan xinyi
(app.) Kaogongji jie
(Song) 王安石 Wang Anshi
儀禮集釋 三十卷 Yili jishi (Song) 李如圭 Li Rujia
儀禮釋官 一卷 Yili shiguan (Qing) 胡匡衷 Hu Kuangzhong
春秋啖趙集傳纂例 十卷 Chunqiu Tan-Zhao jizhuan zuanli (Tang) 陸淳 Lu Chun
春秋微旨 三卷 Chunqiu weizhi (Tang) 陸淳 Lu Chun
春秋集解 十二卷 Chunqiu jijie (Song) 蘇轍 Su Zhe
孝經刊誤 一卷 Xiaojing kanwu (Song) 朱熹 Zhu Xi
孝經本義 二卷 Xiaojing benyi (Ming) 呂維祺 Lü Weiqi
孝經或問 三卷 Xiaojing huowen (Ming) 呂維結 Lü Weijie
孝經翼 一卷 Xiaojing yi (Ming) 呂維結 Lü Weijie
論語意原 四卷 Lunyu yiyuan (Song) 趙汝諧 Zhao Ruxie
孟子外書 一卷 Mengzi waishu (Song) 熙時子 Xishizi (comm.)
讀四書叢說 七卷 Du Sishu congshuo (Yuan) 許謙 Xu Qian
瑟譜 六卷 Sepu (Song) 熊朋來 Xiong Penglai
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰, ed. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 512, 852.
Shanghai tushuguan 上海圖書館, ed. (1982). Zhongguo congshu zonglu 中國叢書綜錄 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe), Vol. 1, 610.