An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Suixiju yinshi pu 隨息居飲食譜

Apr 3, 2024 © Ulrich Theobald

Suixiju yinshi pu 隨息居飲食譜 is a cookbook written during the mid-Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by the physician Wang Shixiong 王士雄 (1808-1863 or 1868), courtesy name Mengying 孟英, style Mengyin 夢隱, Mengying 夢影, Shuixiang Sanren 睡鄉散人, Suixizi 隨息子 or Qianzhai 潛齋, from Haining 海寧, Zhejiang. Wang lived in Hangzhou 杭州 and Shanghai and wrote other books on medical aspects like Huoluanlun 霍亂論, Wangshi yi'an 王氏醫案, Nüke jiyao 女科輯要, Wenren jingwei 溫熱經緯 and Guiyanlu 歸硯錄, most of which are included in the series Qianzhai xixue congshu 潛齋醫學叢書.

His book on diet was first published in 1861 and saw several reprints in the following years, mostly in central and southeast China. It is also included in the lithographic edition Wangshi Qianzhai yishu wu zhong 王氏潛齋醫書五種 form 1914 (Shanghai Wenrui Studio 上海文瑞樓). The book assembles 359 kinds of dietary recipes of daily use which are classified into seven categories: watery diet, cereals, condiments, vegetables, fruits, poultry and fish. The author discusses the properties of these various types of food and their medical use and therapeutic effects.

Liu Fujia 劉孚嘉 (2020). "Wang Shixiong Suixiju yinshi pu zhong fang yibing shiwu chutan 王士雄《隨息居飲食譜》中防治疫病食物初探", Zhongguo minjian liaofa 中國民間療法, 28 (20): 21-22.
Sun Xiaosheng 孫曉生 (2011). "Wang Shixiong Suixiju yinshi pu de wu ge yangsheng tese 王士雄《隨息居飲食譜》的五個養生特色", Xin zhongyi 新中醫, 43 (10): 109-110.
Tu Jiashu 屠嘉樹, Lü Ping 呂萍, Shen Junxia 沈君霞 (2021). "Suixiju yinshi pu yu wei xiangguan shiwu goucheng qianxi 《隨息居飲食譜》與胃相關食物構成淺析", Zhejiang Zhongyi zazhi 浙江中醫雜誌, 56 (8): 613-614.
Zhang Xubin 張旭斌, Liu Xiaoyuan 柳小遠 (2016). "Qianxi Wang Shixiong Suixiju yinshi pu de shiliao tese 淺析王士雄《隨息居飲食譜》的食療特色", Yatai chuantong yiyao 亞太傳統醫藥, 12 (15): 93-94.
Zhou Sanjin 週三金 (1995). "Suixiju yinshi pu 隨息居飲食譜", in Zhongguo pengren baike quanshu 中國烹飪百科全書 (Beijing: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), 565.
蜀漢 (221-263)