An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Wufu 舞賦

Sep 20, 2023 © Ulrich Theobald

Wufu 舞賦 "The rhapsody on dance" is a poetic work on the aesthetics of dances written during the Later Han period 後漢 (25-220 CE) by Fu Yi 傅毅 (d. 90 CE), courtesy name Wuzhong 武仲, who was around 80 CE clerk in the Censorate (Lantai lingshi 蘭臺令史).

The text is an authentic account of the night feasts and dances of the Han court. It begins with a description of a ballet accompanied by songs and performed by 16 female dancers. The next part explains, in a lyrical mode, the "Dance of the Seven Plain [Drums]" (qipan wu 七盤舞, i.e., bangu 般鼓), with detailed information on various figures and postures performed by the dancers. The author shows that dances were used to express certain moods in an infinite number of expressions. The will or intention of the theme aimed at "transforming" the audience (yu zhi qian hua 與志遷化) by visually expressing the meaning of a song (ming shi biao zhi 明詩表指).

Fu Yi laid the words of his rhapsody in the mouth of the famous writer Song Yu 宋玉 (298-222 BCE), who composed the words to the dances Ji Chu 激楚, Jiefeng 結風, and Yang'a 陽阿. The text of Fu Yi's rhapsody is quoted in the anthology Wenxuan 文選.

The rhapsody was imitated in later times, for instance, by Emperor Jianwen 梁簡文帝 (r. 549-550) of the Liang dynasty 梁 (502-557), and several times during the Tang period 唐 (618-907).

Another Han-period work with the title was written by Zhang Heng 張衡 (78-139). Instead of using Song Yu as the lyrical speaker, Zhang lays the words of the song into the mouths of guests who attended a banquet of the Prince of Huainan 淮南王 during the Former Han period. The text is quoted in the Tang-period encyclopaedia Yiwen leiju 藝文類聚.

Both rhapsodies are not just literary products, but are also testimonies of the art of dancing during the early imperial era.

Chen Siwu 陳思吳, Feng Jianghai 馮江海 (2017). "Qianxi Donghan shiqi wudao yishu zhuanlun Wufu 淺析東漢時期舞蹈藝術專論《舞賦》", Xiju zhi jia 戲劇之家, 2017 (8): 274.
Hu Xiaolin 胡小林 (2010). "Song Yu Wufu zhenwei kaobu 宋玉《 舞賦 》真偽補考", Xiangfan Xueyuan xuebao 襄樊學院學報, 2010 (7): 25-27.
Jia Chuantang 賈傳棠, ed. (1997). Duodie da cidian 多解大辭典 (Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe), 665.
Jiang Liu 江柳 (2011). "Wenxuan suo lu Wufu xi Song Yu suo zuo kaolun 《文選》所錄《舞賦》系宋玉所作考論", Hubei Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 湖北大學學報(哲學社會科學版), 2011 (5): 42-46.
Li Zhenfeng 李晨楓, Xiang Ning 相寧 (2022). "Fu Yi Wufu zhong yuewu de sixiang biaoxian 傅毅《舞賦》中樂舞的思想表現", Yueqi 樂器, 2022 (9): 38-41.
Liang Yu 梁宇 (2007). "Cong Wufu kan Handai wudao 從《舞賦》看漢代舞蹈", Beijing Wudao Xueyuan xuebao 北京舞蹈學院學報, 2007 (4): 48-52.
Liu Gang 劉剛 (2009). "Song Yu, Fu Yi tongming Wufu wudao miaoxie de tuxiang yanjiu 宋玉、傅毅 同名《舞賦》舞蹈描寫的圖像研究", Wenyi yanjiu 文藝研究, 2009 (12): 49-60.
Peng Chunyen 彭春艷 (2013). "Zhang Heng Wufu yanjiu 張衡《舞賦》研究", Zhongguo yunwen xuekan 中國韻文學刊, 2013 (2): 45-50+56.
Wang Jingbo 王靜波 (2006). "Qianlun Wufu 淺論《舞賦》", Beijing Wudao Xueyuan xuebao 北京舞蹈學院學報, 2006 (1): 77-80.
Shi Ping 石平 (1997). "Wufu 舞賦", in Men Kui 門巋, Zhang Yanjin 張燕瑾, eds. Zhonghua guocui da cidian 中華國粹大辭典 (Xianggang: Guoji wenhua chuban gongsi), 891.
Weng Xue 翁雪, Kang Rong 康榮 (2014). "Cong Fu Yi Wufu zhi zuo kan Handai wudao zhong de haoran qishi 從傅毅《舞賦》之作看漢代舞蹈中的“浩然氣勢", Shijie 世界, 2014 (111): 155-156.
Zhang Yonglu 張永祿, ed. (1993). Handai Chang'an cidian 漢代長安詞典 (Xi'an: Shaanxi renmin chubanshe), 576.
Zhao Xiaojie 趙曉婕 (2019). "Handai yuewu meixue sixiang fengi: Cong Wufu he Huainanzi kan Handai wudao xingshi de duoyangxing 漢代樂舞美學思想分析——從《舞賦》和《淮南子》看漢代舞蹈形式的多樣性", Huanghe zhi sheng 黃河之聲, 2019 (10): 126-127.