An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Liuyi zhiyi lu 六藝之一錄

Mar 30, 2023 © Ulrich Theobald

Liuyi zhiyi lu 六藝之一錄 is a compendium of "one of the six arts", namely calligraphy (or writing), compiled during the high Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Ni Tao 倪濤 (1669-1752), courtesy name Kunqu 崑渠 or Kunshen 崑深, from Qiantang 錢塘 (today part of Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang). Of his writings, the books Shuijingzhu leichao 水經注類鈔, Wulin shike ji 武林石刻記 and Wenfang sipu 文房四譜 have survived.

The main text has a length of 406 juan, while the appendix (Xubian 續編) has 12/14 fascicles. The book was produced under precarious conditions, and Ni's wife and daughter helped him with the manuscript. Its edition in the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書 was based on this manuscript. The original manuscript was later owned by Pan Hongcha 潘紅茶, but the preserved versions are all incomplete.

The Liuyi zhiyi lu consists of six parts or "collections" (ji 集), each representing one aspect of calligraphic art. These are inscriptions on bronze vessels (Jinqi kuanzhi 金器款識), stele inscriptions (Keshi wenzi 刻石文字), model calligraphies and their theory (Fatie lunshu 法帖論述), writings styles through the ages (Gujin shuti 古今書體), calligraphy theory in history (Lichao shulun 歷朝書論), and notes on calligraphy (Lichao shupu 歷朝書譜). Ni's book covers so many aspects and quotes from an abundant treasure of literature that it can be called a kind of encyclopaedia on traditional calligraphy, all the more as Ni's guiding principle was not to add his own commentaries. Another principle was, however, not to critically change original texts, for which reason the compiler also recorded mistakes and contradicting statements.

The appendix of the Siku quanshu edition has a length of 12 juan, but that in the Siku quanshu zhenben chuji 四庫全書珍本初集 is arranged in 14 juan.

Table 1. Contents of the Liuyi zhiyi lu 六藝之一錄

1. 金器款識 Bronze inscriptions

1-16 Inscription on bronze vessels and objects, many of them from Ni's own collection
17 Excerpts from Lü Dalin's 呂大臨 Kaogutu 考古圖
18-20 Inscriptions on mirrors and coins
21 Tao Hongjing's 陶弘景 Gujin daojian lu 古今刀劍錄, seal inscriptions, and notes on seal inscriptions
22-24 Gu Congde's 顧從德 Ji guyin pu 集古印譜

2. 石刻文字 Stone inscriptions

25-29 (1-5) Inscriptions of the Stone Drums (Shigu wen 石鼓文)
30-62 (6-38) Stele inscriptions of antiquity
63-77 (39-56) Stele and stone inscriptions of the Tang period, classified
78-89 (57-65) Inscriptions of the Tang period, classifed
90-91 (66-67) Miscellaneous inscriptions and treatises
92-97 (68-73) Stone and other inscriptions of the Song period, classified
98 (74) Stone inscriptions of the Liao and Jin empires
99 (75) Stone inscriptions of the Yuan period
100 (76) Stone inscriptions of the Ming period
101-108 (77-84) Wang Xiangzhi's 王象之 Yudi beimu 輿地碑目
109-112 (85-88) Stone inscriptions from Wulin 武林 "stone forest"
113-116 (89-92) Gu Nanyuan's 顧南原 Beikao 碑考
117-121 (93-97) Du Mu's 都穆 Jinxie linlang 金薤琳琅
122 (98) Gu Yanwu's 顧炎武 Qiugulu 求古錄
123 (99) Shazhou beilu 沙洲碑錄
124-125 (100-101) Excerpts from Sun Chengze's 孫承澤 Gengzi suoxia ji 庚子銷夏記
126-127 (102-103) Excerpts from Ouyang Xiu's 歐陽修 Jigulu 集古錄
128 (104) Jade inscriptions
129 (105) Ni Tao's own notes on seal inscriptions
130 (106) Incriptions on inkstones; excerpts from Su Yijian's 蘇易簡 Wenfang sipu 文房四譜 and the writigns of Su Shi 蘇軾 and Huang Tingjian 黄庭堅

3. 法帖論述 Model calligraphies and theory on them

131-132 (1-2) Liu Cizhuang's 劉次莊 Fatie shiwen 法帖釋文
133 (3) Huang Bosi's 黃伯思 Fatie kanwu 法帖刊誤
134 (4) Cao Shimian's 曹士冕 Fatie puxi 法帖譜系
135 (5) Ni Tao's collection of notes on model calligraphies
136-138 (6-8) Jiang Yaozhang's 姜堯章 Jiangtie ping 絳帖評
139-143 (9-13) Wang Shu's 王澍 Chunhua mige fatie kaozheng 淳化秘閣法帖考證
144 (14) Ni Tao's miscellaneous notes on model calligraphies
145 (15) Excerpts from Wang Keyu's 汪珂玉 Shanhuwang 珊瑚網
146 (16) Wang Shu's 王澍 Gujin fatie kao 古今法帖考
147-150 (17-20) Notes on the calligraphy Lantingxu 蘭亭序
151-156 (21-26) Sang Shichang's 桑世昌 Lantingkao 蘭亭考
157-158 (27-28) Yu Song's 俞松 Lanting jikao 蘭亭續考
159-160 (29-30) Excerpts from Zhao Qimei's 趙琦美 Tiewang shanhu 鐵網珊瑚
161-163 (31-33) Notes on the calligraphies Huangtingjing 黄庭經, Dongfang Shuo huazan 東方朔畫贊, Shiqi tie 十七帖 and others
164 (34) Various notes on model calligraphies collected by Ni Tao
165 (35) Excerpts from Sun Chengze's Gengzi suoxia ji
166 (36) Miscellaneous texts, among them Chen Yizeng's 陳繹曾 Fashulun 法書論
167 (37) Notes on the calligraphy Yiheming 瘞鶴銘
168 (38) Various calligraphies of the Qianziwen 千字文

4. 古今書體 Calligraphy styles through the ages

169-170 (1-2) From Wang Yinglin's 王應麟 Yuhai 玉海
171-173 (3-5) Ni Tao's Shiti shulun 十體書論
174 (6) Calligraphies from the Qing period
175 (7) Preface of the Shuowen jiezi 說文解字 and Xu Xuan's 徐鉉 memorial
176 (8) Shuowen radicals arranged phonetically
177 (9) Gu zhouwen lu 古籀文錄
178-179 (10-11) Guo Zhongshu's 郭忠恕 Hanjian 汗簡
180-181 (12-13) Wuqiu Yan's 吾邱衍 Xu guzhuan yun 續古篆韻
182-186 (14-18) Zhang You's 張有 Fugubian 復古編
187-191 (19-23) Wu Bing's 吳炳 Zengxiu Fugubian 增修復古編
192-193 (24-25) Ge Gangzheng's 葛剛正 Chongxu qianziwen 重續千字文
194 (26) Zhai Qinian's 翟耆年 Zhoushi 籀史
195-196 (27-28) Zhou Boqi's 周伯琦 Shuowen ziyuan 説文字原
197 (29) Zheng Qiao's 鄭樵 Liushu lüe 六書略
198 (30) Dai Tong's 戴侗 Liushugu 六書故
199-208 (31-40) Zhou Boqi's 周伯琦 Liushu zhengwei 六書正譌
209-211 (41-43) Zhao Guze's 趙古則 Liushu benyi 六書本義
212-216 (44-48) Wei Jiao's 魏校 Liushu jingyun 六書精蘊
217 (49) Miscellaneous statements of various authors
218 (50) Hanli jinghua 漢隸精華
219-220 (51-52) Fu Hanbei lishu 撫漢碑隸書
221-222 (53-54) Hong Shi's 洪適 Hanbei lishi 漢碑隸釋, Lou Ji's 婁機 Ziyuan 字原
223-227 (55-59) Lou Ji's 婁機 Hanli ziyuan chao 漢隸字原鈔
228-236 (60-68) Gu Aiji's 顧藹吉 Libian 隸辨
237 (69) Guli guaiqi lu 古隸怪奇錄
238 (70) Gulu liwen rixi 古錄隸文日習, app. Lizi xinjue 隸字心訣, Shifa ge 十法歌
239 (71) Gu Aiji's 顧藹吉 Li bafen kao 隸八分考
240 (72) Excerpts from Ma Duanlin's 馬端臨 Wenxian tongkao 文獻通考, ch. Jingji kao 經籍考
241 (73) Yan Yuansun's 顔元孫 Ganlu zishu 干錄字書
242-243 (74-75) Guo Zhongshu's 郭忠恕 Peixi 佩觿
244-246 (76-78) Jia Changchao's 賈昌朝 Qunjing yinbian 群經音辨
247 (79) Wang Bai's 王柏 Zhengshi zhi yin 正始之音
248-253 (80-85) Li Wenzhong's 李文仲 Zijian 字鑒
254 (86) Zishu luyi 字書錄異
255 (87) Kangxi zidian 康熙字典, ch. Biansi 辨似
256 (88) Ni Tao's Zishu bianti 字書辨體, with excerpts from various books
257 (89) Zhu Qianfu's 朱謙甫 Liushu shiyi 六書釋義
258 (90) Guwen zhuanzhu 古文轉注
259-262 (91-94) Fang Yizhi's 方以智 Tongya 通雅
263 (95) Zishi 字始
264 (96) Wang Zhonglang's 汪重閬 Xiaoxue ounian 小學偶拈
265 (97) Jinyuan wenzi 金源文字
266 (98) Foreign and secret scripts
267-268 (99-100) Various quotations from books of theory of calligraphy
269-270 (101-102) Prefaces of various books on Chinese characters

5. 歷代書論 Theory of calligraphy

271-281 (1-11) Excerpts from various books on the theory of calligraphy
282-286 (12-16) Excerpts from various books evaluating calligraphic artworks
287-290 (17-20) Excerpts from Zhu Changwen's 朱長文 Mochibian 墨池編
291-292 (21-22) Monk Shizhi's 釋適 Jinhuji 金壺記
293-294 (23-24) Excerpts from Chen Si's 陳思 Shuyuan jinghua 書苑精華
295 (25) Tao Zongyi's 陶宗儀 Shushi huiyao 書史會要
296 (26) Tang Linchu's 湯臨初 Shuzhi 書指
297 (27) Quotations from Dong Sibai's 董思白 Fashu minghua ce 法書名畫册
298 (28) Wang Shizhen's 王世貞 notes on calligraphies
299 (29) Excerpts from Wang Qi's 王圻 Xu wenxian tongkao 續文獻通考 and Huang-Ming shuping 皇明書評
300-301 (30-31) Excerpts from Wang Keyu's 汪珂玉 Shanhuwang 珊瑚網 and Shupu 書品
302 (32) Pan Zhicong's 潘之淙 Ligou shujue 離鈎書訣
303 (33) Excerpts form Ni Sumen's 倪蘇門 Shufamen 書法論
304 (34) Song Se's 宋嗇 Shufa lunguan 書法綸貫
305 (35) Wang Shu's 王澍 Lunshu shengyu 論書賸語
306-310 (36-40) Jiang Lifang's 姜立綱 Shufa 書法; app. competence (qiyong 器用)

歷朝書譜 Notes on calligraphies

311-373 (1-63) Biographies of calligraphers
374 (64) Excerpts from Bian Yongyu's 卞永譽 Shigutang shuhua hui kaomu 式古堂書畫彙考目
375-380 (65-70) Evaluation of calligraphic collections
381-382 (71-72) Poems on Song-period calligraphies
373-385 (73-75) Poems on Yuan-period calligraphies
386-396 (76-86) Notes on Song-period calligraphies
397 (87) Notes on Yuan-period calligraphies
398-399 (88-89) Notes on Ming-period calligraphies
400-403 (90-93) Notes on calligraphies from Yu Fengqing's 郁逢慶 Shuhua tiba ji 書畫題跋記
404 (94) Notes on calligraphies from Sun Chengze's 孫承澤 Gengzi suoxia ji 庚子鎖夏記 (1)
405 (95) Notes on Tang- and Song-period calligraphies from Zhu Cunli's 朱存理 Tiewang shanhu 鐵網珊瑚
406 (96) Notes on calligraphies from Sun Chengze's 孫承澤 Gengzi suoxia ji 庚子鎖夏記 (2)

續編 Supplement

1 Notes on metal objects (with inscriptions), extracted from Zhu Yizun's 朱彝尊 Pushuting ji 曝書亭記
2-4 Notes on stone inscriptions, extracted from Zhu Yizun's 朱彝尊 Pushuting ji 曝書亭記
5 Wu Zhuo's 吳焯 Wulin shike tiba 武林石刻題跋
6 Notes on bronze and stone inscriptions collected by Ni Tao (?)
7 Wulin moya xukao 武林摩崖續考
8 Zhu Yizun's 朱彝尊 Pushuting ji 曝書亭記
9 Xu shuti lun 續書體論 from Gu Yanwu's 顧炎武 Rizhilu 日知錄
10 Liushu shulüe 六書疏略
11 Shulun 書論
12 Shupu 書譜
13-14 Shupu xubian 書譜續編 with Yutai shushi 玉臺書史
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 1815.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1987). Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 149.
Wu Peng 吳鵬 (2010). "Liu shu zhi yi yu hanmo xiaodao: Chuantong wenhua shiye zhong de shufa guannian shulun 六藝之一”與“翰墨小道”——傳統文化視野中的書法觀念述論", Wenyi yanjiu 文藝研究, 2010 (10): 98-112.
Zhang Qianchao 張潛超 (1996). "Liuyi zhiyi lu 六藝之一錄", in Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, ed. Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, Vol. Yishu 藝術卷 (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe), 551.