An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Suzhou zhizaoju zhi 蘇州織造局志

Mar 27, 2024 © Ulrich Theobald

Suzhou zhizaoju zhi 蘇州織造局志 is a report the the state-run silk manufactories of Suzhou 蘇州, Jiangsu. The book of 12 juan length was compiled by Sun Pei 孫珮, courtesy name Ming'an 鳴庵, from Wuxian 吳縣 (Suzhou), and finished before 1672, while a manuscript copy was produced in 1686 by Liu Ruxin 劉汝信. Sun participated in the compilation of the local gazetteers Suzhou fu zhi 蘇州府志 and Wuxian zhi 吳縣志, and a book on inland customs, Guanzhi 關志.

The Zhizaoju zhi describes the historical development from the early Yuan period 元 (1279-1368) on, management, official posts, machinery, purchase of materials, products, the pay, food and labour of workers, and the common shrine of the institution. At the time when the book was compiled, the manufactories owned 800 looms, which were operated by 2,300 workers. The products were directly delivered to the imperial household.

Table 1. Contents of the Suzhou zhizaoju zhi 蘇州織造局志
1 沿革 History
2 職員 Functionaries
3 官署 Institution
4 機張 Looms
5 工料 Pay
6 口糧 Food rations
7-8 段匹 Products
9 宦蹟 Biographies of directors
10 人役 Workers
11 祠廟 The shrine
12 雜記 Miscellaneous records
Shi Zhengkang 施正康 (1994). "Suzhou zhizaoju zhi 蘇州織造局志", in Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, ed. Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, Vol. Jingji 經濟卷 (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe), 353.
Chen Shoushi 陳守實 (1959). "Ba Suzhou zhizaoju zhi: Ming-Qing jian tezhong shiliao shi zhi yi 跋蘇州織造局志——明清間特種史料考釋之一", Fudan 復旦, 1959 (10): 52-60.
Dong Fenhe 董粉和 (2018). "Zhongguo gudai guanying shougongye jishu tedian fenxi yu sikao: Yi Qingdai Suzhou zhizaoju wei zhongxin de kaocha 中國古代官營手工業技術特點分析與思考——以清代蘇州織造局為中心的考察", Lanzhou xuekan 蘭州學刊, 2018 (5): 84-97.
Du Hengwei 杜恆偉 (2015). "Guankui Qingdai Suzhou zhizaoju sichou tese: Yi Shenyang Gugong Bowuyuan zhencang wei li 管窺清代蘇州織造局絲綢特色——以瀋陽故宮博物院珍藏為例", Shoucang 收藏,2015 (21): 98-111.
Ma Xueqiang 馬學强 (2005). "Ming-Qing Jiangnan shougong yepin de zhizuo, shichang yu xiaofei qunti: Yi Suzhou zhizaoju tegong fushi ji Shanghai Guxiu wei li 明清江南手工業品的制作、市場與消費群體——以蘇州織造局特供服飾及上海顧繡為例", Shilin 史林, 2005 (4): 41-48+123.
Wang Yuan 王淵 (2018). "Sizhou zhizaoju zhi zai Qingdai bufu xinxi kao 《蘇州織造局志》載清代補服信息考", Sichou 絲綢, 55 (5): 91-95.
Wang Zhuangmu 王莊穆, ed. (1996). Zhongguo sichou cidian 中國絲綢辭典 (Beijing: Zhongguo kexue jishu chubanshe), 638.
Xia Yuming 夏毓銘 (2020). "Ming-Qing shiqi guanying shougongye jishu de fengbixing: Yi Suzhou zhizaoju wei li 明清時期官營手工業技術的封閉性——以蘇州織造局為例", Xibu xuekan 西部學刊, 2020 (12): 130-133.
蜀漢 (221-263)